
How do I look after my child's gastrostomy feeding tube?

The community nurse shows a parent how to look after her child's gastrostomy feeding tube. Cleaning the gastrostomy, replacing the water in the balloon, giving a bolus feed and changing the gastrostomy button. The video includes helpful tips about taking a spare button to school, what to do when the button falls out or when you don't get the same amount of water out of the balloon when replacing the water.

Please also see our video about getting a gastrostomy in hospital.


Gastrostomy care, gastrostomy cleaning, feeding tube, granulation, replacing water in balloon, button feeding tube, PEG feeding tube, community nurse, replacing gastrostomy button, button falling out, feeding support, blocked feeding tube, position of gastrostomy button, stomach aspirate, pH value stomach, bolus feeding, pump feeding, how to do tube feeding, how to clean feeding button

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Note: This video represents the procedure at the time of filming, but procedures will be updated and vary between hospitals, please contact your hospital for any questions about the procedure.
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