What happens during a health assessment of a child who has gone into care?
Cora, a four year old girl, has just moved into care. She is going for a health assessment with her foster parent and her birth mum is attending. Children who move into foster care, kinship care or residential care (looked after children) can be very anxious as they have had to deal with lots of change and uncertainty in their lives. Showing them this video can help to explain what might happen during a health assessment. It is very helpful if the birth parent(s) can attend the health assessment so the healthcare professionals can hear about any childhood illnesses or developmental concerns. It is also helpful if any illnesses running in the family are recorded as they might impact on the health of the child in the future. This video shows the health assessment is not a judgemental process and is done to look at the health needs of the child and offer support to everyone involved.
healthcare, looked after children, foster care, kinship care, residential care, kids, parent, birth mum, worried, anxious, illness, development, paediatrician, nurse, NHS, Highland, Inverness, support, family history, health visitor, LAC Scotland, what hapens in LAC health assessment
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