What happens when my child has a CT scan?
A video explaining what happens when your child has a CT scan. An 8 year old girl asks the Radiographer lots of questions about having a CT scan. She lies on the bed of the scanner and the bed moves in and out of the scanner. This is a very quick test. It can be helpful to watc this video with your child before their appointment to prepare them for their visit to hospital. This video was developed in partnership with the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow.
Please note this recent change in the guidance in Scotland (2023):
Parents can only accompany their child if absolutely required to gain compliance and achieve a diagnostic scan. The Radiographer risk assesses each patient to see if the child can manage without having their parent in the room. In some cases the parent is in the room for position and describing the scan, right up until the part where the scan is acquired where they step outside the room. Each patient is different.
CT, CT scan, parents, prepare, hospital, anxious, family, child, radiographer, WWCIH, What? Why? Children in Hospital, Scotland, kids, children
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