
Digestive System

Babies and children with problems with their swallow, bowels, stomach or bladder might need to visit the GI department in hospital. Our videos show tests such as Ultrasound, Videofluoroscopy swallow study, MAG3 scan, DMSA nuclear medicine scans are used to see what is happening. We filmed what happens when babies and children need feeding support such as nasogastric tube feeding, parenteral nutrition and gastrostomy feeding. We also made a video about the training given by the nurse on central line trouble shooting so parents can review the information at home.

Baby Feeding Support

Feeding support given to premature babies and babies with breathing or digestive problems

Premature baby, preterm baby, suck reflex, parenteral nutrition, nasogastric tube feeding, breastmilk, kangeroo care, neonatal unit, Glasgow

id03223b8a6533b93741d4bf5b3f8c38c9 id259e4589437ec34a7337fc28bb749c62

Baby Feeding Support
Digestive System General

Central Line Troubleshoot

The nurse shows a parent how to respond to the CVAD dressing coming loose, infection symptoms and bleeding

Central line, CVAD, CVC, central venous access device, central venous catheter, dressing, infcetion symptoms, bleeding, line accidently coming out, parenteral nutrition, medication central line, what is a central line, what is a venous catheter, what do I do when the catheter dressing comes loose, clamps used for central line, bung at end of central line, blood leaking from central line

id03223b8a6533b93741d4bf5b3f8c38c9 id259e4589437ec34a7337fc28bb749c62

Central Line Troubleshoot
Digestive System General

Gastrostomy at Home

The community nurse shows Murray's mum how to look after his gastrostomy feeding tube.

Gastrostomy care, gastrostomy cleaning, feeding tube, granulation, replacing water in balloon, button feeding tube, PEG feeding tube, community nurse, replacing gastrostomy button, button falling out, feeding support, blocked feeding tube, position of gastrostomy button, stomach aspirate, pH value stomach, bolus feeding, pump feeding, how to do tube feeding, how to clean feeding button


Gastrostomy at Home
Digestive System
Gastrostomy PDF Download

Gastrostomy in Hospital

Mum and the paediatric feeding team talk about gastrostomy surgery, the different types of feeding tubes and feeds.

Gastrostomy, feeding tube, hospital, button gastrostomy, PEG, bolus feeding, pump feeding, GI, what happens when you get a gastrostomy, how long does gastrostomy surgery take


Gastrostomy in Hospital
Digestive System
Gastrostomy PDF Download

MAG3 Renal Scan

A video showing what happens when a child goes for a MAG3 Renal Scan (Nuclear Medicine test) in hospital.

hospital, child, worried, anxious, renal, family, MAG3, parent, kidney, nuclear medicine, charity, scan, What? Why? Children in Hospital, WWCIH

id6bed012c8f9f28e2ef3555d982f76de7 id259e4589437ec34a7337fc28bb749c62

MAG3 Renal Scan
Digestive System Imaging
DMSA and MAG3 Scan PDF Download

Nasogastric (NG) Tube

This video is made for parents and young people in hospital showing how a nasogastric tube is passed.

Nasogastric tube feeding, NG tube, feeding support, chemotherapy, cancer care, passing of tube, insertion of tube, WWCIH, Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity, Glasgow, Children's Hospital, child, family, young person, parent, mum, nurse, dietician


Nasogastric (NG) Tube
Digestive System
Nasogastric Tube PDF Download

Renal Scan (DMSA)

Our video shows what happens when a child goes for a Renal Scan (Nuclear Medicine test) in hospital

hospital, child, parent, family, anxious, worried, kidney, renal, DMSA, Nuclear Medicine, radioactivity, WWCIH, What? Why? Children in Hospital, charity, Glasgow, Scotland, scan, imaging

id6bed012c8f9f28e2ef3555d982f76de7 id259e4589437ec34a7337fc28bb749c62

Renal Scan (DMSA)
Digestive System Imaging
DMSA and MAG3 Scan PDF Download

Swallow Study

The videofluoroscopy swallow study is used to check children who have problems swallowing or experience choking or aspiration.

Hospital, swallow study, videofluoroscopy, barium study, baby, toddler, mum, speech and language therapist, WWCIH, What? Why? Children in Hospital

id229ad113f76561799ad2cc29077d4711 id259e4589437ec34a7337fc28bb749c62

Swallow Study
Digestive System Therapies
Videofluoroscopy PDF Download

Ultrasound for Children

A video explaining what happens during an Ultrasound.

gel, ultrasound, bladder, sensor, tummy, probe, bumps, parents, anxious, kids, lumps, child, Scotland, hospital, what? why? children in hospital, worried, hurt, WWCIH, Glasgow, time

id6bed012c8f9f28e2ef3555d982f76de7 id259e4589437ec34a7337fc28bb749c62

Ultrasound for Children
Digestive System Imaging
Ultrasound and X-Ray PDF Download

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